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Swiss Delegation in the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR: Membership Term 2024 - 2027
The ICC Swiss Commission on Arbitration and ADR will be partially renewed as from 1 July 2024.
Mandated to serve a three-year term, the Swiss Delegates will participate in the work of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR in Paris as from 1 July 2024. As ICC Disputes Resolution Services’ unique think tank, the ICC Commission in Paris counts over 1,300 members from more than 100 countries. The full list of Swiss Delegates is published here.
We would like to thank the resigning Delegates for their valuable contributions during the past two (or more) terms and look forward to working with the Delegates for the upcoming 2024-2027 term.
Swiss Nomination Committee
The Swiss Nomination Committee, who proposes arbitrator candidates to the ICC Court in Paris in line with Article 13.3 ICC Rules, is also renewed.
We would like to congratulate:
- Nadja Jaisli, Bär&Karrer, Vice President
- Catherine Anne Kunz, LALIVE, Vice President
- Frank Spoorenberg, NKF, Vice President
as well as Simon Gabriel, Gabriel Arbitration, who remains President of the Swiss Commission and the Swiss Nomination Committee. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration.
Finally, we would like to extend our warmest thanks to the resigning members of the Nomination Committee Anne-Veronique Schlaepfer, Homayoon Arfazadeh and Daniel Hochstrasser for their valuable contributions and excellent work.